9am-2pm 1/21-22/2005 at Anheuser Busch School of Law, Washington University in St. Louis
To pre-register by mail, print this form and mail your payment as noted. $50 is an incredible bargain considering the average hourly charge for our speakers is $300 per hour and you will be getting about 10 hours of their time, which would cost you $3000.00 if you could even meet with them. Most conferences of this quality charge at least $199.00, but we are a non-profit organization and want you, the beginning inventor, to get the best advice in order to make the best decisions for the future of your commercialization of your idea. If you want to know what to do with your invention, this will be the most productive 2 days you could spend and the very best way to learn how to proceed to turn "Ideas Into Income, the Right Way."
To register by fax, print this form, fax the form to us and mail a check (reg. effective when check clears) or pay by PayPal (www.paypal.com) to beb@burdlaw.com (registration effective upon receipt of electronic payment.
Name ____________________________________________
Title _________________________________________________________________
Company _____________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State _________ Zip Code
Tel __________________ Fax _________________ E-Mail ____________________
___ (#) Admission(s) @$40 Each---------------------$_________________ (Do you want to have $15 of your fee applied to membership in the Illinois Innovators & Inventors, Inc. or Midwest Inventors Club at no additional charge YES_____ NO ______. If you do not indicate, YES will be assumed.)
___(#) Exhibitor Tables @ $20 Each-------------$____________
(Describe your Exhibit ________________________________________ and list any special needs such as power, water, tablecloth, etc.
Enclosed Check Number ___________---------------Total
Conference Website https://ilinventor.tripod.com/conf.htm
Mail reservation to and make check payable to:
Att: Bruce E Burdick, Treasurer
3656 Western
Ave., Alton, IL 62002-3156
telephone Mr. Bruce E. Burdick, Treasurer
fax 618-462-7132